
Main Contents Page

Before you start



Searching techniques:

- Boolean Logic

- Truncation/wildcards

- Phrase searching

Information finding tools:


- Webbridge

- Databases (incl CD Roms)

- Internet

- Dewey (DDC)

Information sources:

- Dictionaries

- Encyclopaedias

- Atlases

- Almanacs & yearbooks

- Books

- Periodicals/Journals

- Newspapers

- Audio-visual

- Internet

What is it?

Screen icons


Web address

More information


- Grey literature

- Broadcast media

- Conference proceedings

- Maps

- Government publications

- Standards

- Museums

- Archives

- Quiz


STEP 4: Legal and ethical USE


Useful Internet sites - to learn the net

The easiest way to learn how to use the Internet is by actually using it (we learn best by doing!). The following are web sites that will teach you how to use and search the Internet.

  INTERNET LINKS: if the computer is not linked to the Internet, you will not be able to access these web sites.  
Internet 101 This guide will provide you with enough knowledge to have fun on the Internet, yet will not bore you with too many details. Think of this as a set of instructions...for people who don't like to read instructions!
Loony Tunes Teach the Internet (ages 8-88) It's not just for kids. Learn Internet basics and get inside tips from your favorite Looney Tunes characters. To begin, either take our quiz or click on the topic you're interested in learning about.

Visit this site when you have plenty of time early in the morning or late at night. Why? There are plenty graphics and animations and downloading is slow when everyone is "searching the Net".
The HelpWeb This guide is intended to help people who are just getting started on the Internet learn their way around. Think of us as a friendly service station that gives out free road maps.
Learning the Internet It allows you to use the Internet to learn the Internet. This tutorial is aimed primarily at teaching you how to use the world wide web (or just "the web"). In order to use the web, you need to learn to use a web browser. From our understanding of the web, we will show how the other parts of the Internet fit in.