Copyright © 2016 Master of Science in Applied Statistics Coursework  41514.   Research 41521 Normally a learner shall not be admitted to the Masters programme in Applied Statistics unless he/she  has obtained an aggregate of at least 60% for the Honours degree.  The qualification may be obtained in one of two ways, i.e. –  An extended dissertation (STA 701, 256 credits); OR  A dissertation of limited scope (128 credits) plus three papers (each  carrying 40 credits) from those listed below. The Masters papers listed  below cover the same topics as the Honours papers, but in greater  depth. A maximum of two papers (50 credits) may be selected from  Masters papers offered in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science,  GIS and/or Mathematics. Any selection must be made in consultation  with the Head of Department.  STA 702:  A half dissertation (128 credits),   STA 704:   Advanced Multivariate Statistical Analysis  Contents:  Wishart Distribution and an introduction to Zonal  Polynomials.  Introduction to Differential Geometry  and Statistical Manifolds.  Extreme Value  Distributions and their use in the Investigation of the  Probabilities of Rare Events (40 Credits).  STA 709:   Advanced Experimental Design  Contents:  Analysis of Variance, unbalanced and nested factors: Complete randomised design,  Randomised complete block design, Latin squares split-plot and repeated measures  design: incomplete block, fractional factorial, response surface designs; confounding.  (40 Credits).  Prerequisites: STS 504, STM 506.  STD 701:   Generalised Mixed Models.   (Previously STS 701)  Contents:  Linear Models. Generalised Linear Models.  Mixed Models.  Generalised Mixed  Models (40 Credits).    STD 702:  Applied Non-parametric Statistics   (Previously STS 702)  Contents: Nonparametric testing and estimation procedures are introduced. Topics include one sample location problem, two sample location problem, two sample dispersion problem, one-way layout, independence problem and regression problems (40 Credits). STD 703:   Advanced Time Series Analysis    (Previously STS 702)  Contents: The course deals primarily with spectral theory of time series. Spectral representation of stationary stochastic processes with discrete and continuous time, autoregressive and moving average models, theory of filtering and prediction of time series, parametric and nonparametric spectral estimation will be discussed in detail. In addition to this, the course will include an introduction to Kalman filtering and state- space models (40 Credits). STD 704:   Applied Statistical Decision Theory   (Previously STS 704)  Contents:  Introduction to loss function and risk, conditional Bayesian decision principle,  Frequentist Decision theory, Discision between Bayesian and frequentist, sufficient  statistic, convexity (40 Credits).  and any of the modules listed under Applied Statistics Honours not already offered by the candidate.    MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS Coursework 41508    Research 41522 Normally a learner shall not be admitted to the Masters programme in Mathematical Statistics unless  he/she has obtained an aggregate of at least 60% for the Honours degree.   The qualification may be obtained in one of two ways, i.e. –  An extended dissertation (STA 700, 256 credits); OR  A dissertation of limited scope (128 credits), plus three papers (each carrying 40 credits) from those  listed below. The Masters papers listed below cover the same topics as the Honours papers, but in  greater depth. A maximum of two papers (40 credits) may be selected from Masters papers offered in  Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or Mathematical Statistics. Any selection must be made in  consultation with the Head of Department.  STA 702:   A half dissertation (128 credits),   STA 704:   Advanced Multivariate Statistical Analysis.  Contents:  Wishart Distribution and an introduction to Zonal Polynomials.  Introduction to  Differential Geometry and Statistical Manifolds.  Extreme Value Distributions and  their use in the Investigation of the Probabilities of Rare Events (40 Credits).  STA 705:  Advanced Regression Theory  Contents:  Exponential Family of Distributions; Generalized Linear Models; Random Effects  Models; Covariance Structures; Non-normal errors; Repeated Measures; Binary  data; Categorical data.  Generalised Estimating Equation (40 Credits).  STA 709:   Advanced Experimental Design   Contents:  Analysis of Variance, unbalanced and nested factors: Complete randomised design,  Randomised complete block design, Latin squares split-plot and repeated measures  design: incomplete block, fractional factorial, response surface designs; confounding.  (40 Credits).  Prerequisites: STS 504, STM 506.  STA 707:   Methods of Multivariate Statistics   Contents:  Principal Components; Graphing Principal Components; Factor Rotation and Factor  Scores; Discrimination; Classification; Classification with two Multivariate Normal  Populations;   Clustering (40 Credits).  Credits:  40 STA 708:   Advanced Non-Parametric Statistics  Contents:  Non-Parametric testing and estimation procedures are introduced.  Topics include  one- and two-sample location problems, one-way layouts independence and  regression problems (40 Credits).  STD 701:   Generalised Mixed Models.   Contents:  Linear Models.  Generalised Linear Models.  Mixed Models.  Generalised Mixed  Models (40 Credits).  STD 702:  Applied Non-parametric Statistics     Contents:  Exponential Family of Distributions; Generalized Linear Models; Random Effects  Models; Covariance Structures; Non-normal errors; Repeated Measures; Binary  data; Categorical data.  Generalised Estimating Equation (40 Credits).  STD 703:   Advanced Time Series Analysis     Contents:  The course deals primarily with spectral theory of time series. Spectral representation  of stationary stochastic processes with discrete and continuous time, autoregressive  and moving average models, theory of filtering and prediction of time series,  parametric and nonparametric spectral estimation will be discussed in detail. In  addition to this, the course will include an introduction to Kalman filtering and state-  space models (40 Credits).  STD 704:   Advanced Statistical Decision Theory     Contents:  Introduction to loss function and risk, conditional Bayesian decision principle,  Frequentist  Decision theory, Decision between Bayesian and frequentist, sufficient  statistic, convexity (40 Credits).  STD 705:   Graphical Modelling     Contents:  Introduction to Theory of Graphs.  Discrete Models.  Continuous Models. Mixed  Models,  Hypothesis testing.  Model Selection and Criticism (40 Credits).  and any of the modules listed under Applied Statistics Honours and Mathematical Statistics Honours  not already offered by the candidate. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOSTATISTICS & EPIDEMIOLOGY  41515 This qualification will comprise three modules (of 40 credits each) and a dissertation (128 credits) of  limited scope, to be decided in consultation with the Head of Department.    STE 701:   Half dissertation (Biostatistics and epidemiology)   Contents:  Experimental Design; Data Collection; Data Analysis; Correct reporting of results.  (128 Credits)  STE 702:   Survival Analysis     Contents:  Estimation of Survival Curves using the Kaplan-Meier Estimator; Estimation of  instantaneous Mortality or Hazard Rates; Comparison of two or more Survival  Curves using a Log-Rank test; Fitting of Cox Model to data and the Assessment of  the Significance and Scientific Impact of included Predictors; Use of Time-Dependent  covariates in the Cox Model; Nested Cohort Methods; Analysis of Correlated Survival  Data; Parametric Survival Methods and Accelerated   Failure time Models (40 Credits).  STE 703:   Clinical Epidemiology.   Contents:  Clinical Epidemiology; Diagnostic and Screening Tests; Randomized Controlled  Trials;   Non-randomized Studies; Therapeutic Safety (40 Credits).  STE 704:   Epidemiology.   Contents:  Dynamics of Disease Transmission; Measurement of Occurrence of Disease;  Randomized Trials; Cohort Studies; Case-control and Cross-sectional Studies; Risk  Assessment; Application of Epidemiology to Evaluation and Policy (40 Credits).  STE 705:   Design of Clinical Trials.   Contents:  Research Designs; Randomization; Case-Control Studies; Cohort Studies;  Diagnostic Tests; Methods of Regression (40 Credits).  STE 706:   Categorical Data Analysis.   Contents:  Logistic Regression Analysis with Multiple Predictors; Testing for Significant  covariates; Graphical and other methods for Model assessment; Interpretation of all  coefficients in model; Conditional Logistic Regression; Multivariate Logistic  Regression; Generalised Estimating Equations (40 Credits).  STE 707:   Biostatistics.   Contents:  Estimation; Hypothesis testing; Inference; Non-Parametric statistics; Analysis of  Variance and Covariance; Robustness; Discrimination and Classification; Principle  Component Analysis (40 Credits).  Now your are serious!   The department provides students with strong analytic and quantitative skills needed to conduct professional level public health research, disease surveillance, program evaluation, and public health practice.   MASTERS COURSES