Copyright © 2016 Statistical Methods STA 114 Descriptive Statistics: Correlation, Regression and the Normal Distribution  Contents:  Introduction, preliminary concepts, frequency distributions, graphical representation,  measures of central tendency, measures of variability, basic ideas of probability, normal  distribution, standard scores, correlations & regression.  (16 Credits)  Pre-requisites: None  STA 124 Applied Statistical Inference and Estimation  Contents:  Sampling distributions, basic principles of statistical  inference, estimation and confidence levels, hypothesis testing, parametric and non-  parametric tests, tests for stochastic independence,  goodness of fit tests.  (16 Credits)  Pre-requisites: STA 114 Statistics  The following modules in Statistics are required for Mathematical  Statistics at the 200 and 300 level. Candidates must take STA 111 and  either STA 121 or STA 122, not both. STA 121 is designed for Science  students, whereas STA 122 is more suitable for Commerce students.  STA 111: Descriptive Statistics and Differentiation   Contents:  Introduction to Statistics; collection, classification and  tabulation of statistical data; graphical representation  of statistical data; measures of location and  dispersion; basic probability concepts; discrete and  continuous probability distributions; linear regression and correlation analysis;  differentiation of elementary functions with applications. One weekly tutorial.  (16  Credits)  Pre-requisites: Matriculation Mathematics with at least an E symbol (SG) or NSC pass at level 4  STA 121: Estimation, Hypothesis Testing and Elementary Integration   Contents:  Sampling distributions; Point estimates and confidence intervals; Parametric and non-  parametric hypothesis testing; Analysis of variance (ANOVA); Integration of elementary  functions. One tutorial per week.  (16 Credits)  Prerequisite:  STA 111. STA 122: Estimation, Hypothesis Testing and Statistics for Economists  Contents:  Sampling distributions; Point estimates and confidence intervals; Parametric and non-  parametric hypothesis testing; Analysis of variance (ANOVA); Index numbers; Time  Series. One tutorial per week.  (16 Credits)  Prerequisite: STA 111. What is Statistis?   Statistics specifically means aggregate of facts affected/to a marked extent by multiplicity of causes, numerically expressed, enumerated or estimated according to reasonable standards of accuracy, collected in a systematic manner for a predetermined purpose and placed in relation to each other.   FIRST Year COURSES