Copyright © 2016 Applied Statistics OPTION 41014 Prerequisite: Normally 60% in STM 312, 313, 322 and 323. The examination consists of six papers (not  less than 126 credits). No more than 2 papers (a maximum of 50 credits) may be selected from  Honours papers offered in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, GIS  and/or Computer Science; any such selection must be made in  consultation with the Head of Department.  STM 502:   Multivariate Statistical Analysis   Contents:  Aspects of Multivariate Analysis; Matrix Algebra  and Random Variables; Sample Geometry and  Random Sampling; The Multivariate Normal  Distribution; Hotelling’s T2 test; Likelihood Ratio  Tests; Confidence Regions; One-way MANOVA.   (22 Credits)  STM 505:   Fixed Effects Modelling.   Contents:  The General Linear Model; The general linear  model expressed in terms of matrices;   Estimation and Inference; Analysis of variance and  covariance; Binary response variables.  (22 Credits)  STM 508:   Non-Parametric Statistics   Contents:  Introduction to non-parametric statistics; Tests of location; Tests of spread; Two-  sample procedures and their extensions; Tests based on empirical distribution  functions; Log-linear models.  (22 Credits)  STS 501:   Operations Research.  Contents:  Linear Programming; The simplex method; Risk theory; Decision theory; Bayes Risk;  Minimax methods; Simulation; Stochastic models.  (22 Credits)  STS 502:   Applied Time Series Analysis. Contents:  Methods of describing time series; Trend, Seasonality and Error; Mathematical  Models for Time Series; Stationary and Second-order stationary process; ARIMA  processes; Box-Jenkins methods; Forecasting; The Frequency domain; Spectral  Analysis.  (22 Credits) STS 503:   Bayesian Statistics.  Contents:  Introduction to the fundamentals of Bayesian statistics; Subjective probability;  Representing prior knowledge; Conjugate priors; Improper priors; Markov chain  simulation.  (22 Credits)  STS 504:   Applied Multivariate Statistics  Contents:  Principal Components; Graphing Principal Components; Factor Rotation and Factor  Scores; Discrimination; Classification; Classification with two Multivariate Normal  Populations; Clustering.  (22 Credits)  STS 505:   Random Effects Modelling  Contents:  Exponential Family of Distributions; Generalized Linear Models; Random Effects  Models; Covariance Structures; Non-normal errors; Repeated Measures; Binary  data; Categorical data.  (22 Credits)  STM 506:   Research Project.   Purpose :       To acquaint students with thorough understanding and knowledge of                           research techniques such as proposal writing, data collection, data analysis,  scientific writing etc. of  research reports in Statistics. Contents:  Introduction: Design and analysis of an experiments; Sample-size calculations;  Questionnaire design; Sampling techniques; Literature searches.                            Students will be expected to choose a topic in consultation with his/her supervisor.   (30 Credits)  Are you serious with Statistics?    A good model is one that accurately reflects the data uses a relatively small number of meaningful independent variables to predict a relatively large proportion of the variability in the dependent variable.   HONOURS COURSES