
Main Contents Page

Before you start



Searching techniques:

- Boolean Logic

- Truncation/wildcards

- Phrase searching

Information finding tools:


- Webbridge

- Databases (incl CD Roms)

- Internet

- Dewey (DDC)

Information sources:

- Dictionaries

- Encyclopaedias

- Atlases

- Almanacs & yearbooks

- Books

- Periodicals/Journals

- Newspapers

- Audio-visual

- Internet

- Grey literature

- Broadcast media

- Conference proceedings

- Maps

- Government publications

- Standards

Example: SABS

- Museums

- Archives

- Quiz


STEP 4: Legal and ethical USE


Example: SABS Catalogue

Your Library should have a catalogue of standards available. The catalogue lists, in numerical order, all standards and related publications approved by the Standards Approvals Committee of the South African Bureau of Standards or published by the South African Bureau of Standards. Notice is given in the Government Gazette of the approval of new standards and of amendments to existing standards.

For updated information - please consult the SABS Web site.

Year of publication

Gives the year in which the standard was issued. Where a foreign or international standard is adopted, the year of issue of the source document is given. In the case of consolidated standards, the date of the latest amendment is allocated to the standard.

Date reaffirmed

Gives the date on which the standard was reaffirmed.


Gives the title of the standard.

Edition number

Indicates the edition of the standard. In the case of consolidated editions, the number of amendments to the base document is indicated by a decimal figure after the edition number e.g. ed.1.2., which means the first edition has two amendments.

Page format, number of pages, language

Gives the format, number of pages and language in which a publication was published. All SABS standards are published in English, and certain standards are also available in Afrikaans.

Price group

Gives the price code of each standard. E.g. Group 1 = R12.00. Group 24 = R300.00.


Gives the reference number, year of issue and relationship to a corresponding international, regional or other foreign national standard. The relationship is indicated as follows:

  Idt   An SABS publication equivalent to the international standard in technical content and presentation.  
Mod An SABS publication is modified in relation to the international standard if technical deviations are clearly identified and explained.
  Neq   An SABS publication related to or based on the international standard, but not equivalent in technical content or presentation.  


Indicates whether a certification mark scheme or a registration (listing) scheme has been established for the standard.

ICS Number

Lists the publication according to their ICS (International Classification for Standards) number. The ICS system groups publications by subject matter.


Gives the scope of the publication


Lists the amendments and the date of approval of each amendment that has been issued since publication of the standard.

Chronological numbering of collective amendments is not linked to the specific standard but to the numbering of the collective groups of standards they refer to.

(Source: SABS Catalogue 2001)