
Main Contents Page

Before you start



Searching techniques:

- Boolean Logic

- Truncation/wildcards

- Phrase searching

Information finding tools:


- Webbridge

- Databases (incl CD Roms)

- Internet

- Dewey (DDC)

Information sources:

- Dictionaries

- Encyclopaedias

- Atlases

- Almanacs & yearbooks

- Books

- Periodicals/Journals

- Newspapers



- Audio-visual

- Internet

- Grey literature

- Broadcast media

- Conference proceedings

- Maps

- Government publications

- Standards

- Museums

- Archives

- Quiz


STEP 4: Legal and ethical USE


Basics of using newspapers

Most of us read the daily newspapers and then dispose of them. We either simply throw them away or some people might put them aside until there is enough paper to take to a recycling depot. Others will cut out articles that they want to keep for research purposes. Unless these articles are properly indexed and filed, these "clippings" will also end up in the dustbin. As in the case with periodicals, the best way to retrieve information from newspapers is to make use of proper indexing services. There are different possibilities and one has to find the best option for your particular need. Three options are:

  • Internet. Some newspapers make their archives available on the Internet.
  • In-house clippings collections. Specific organisations index the newspapers to which they subscribe:
    • One example in Cape Town is that of SALDRU, at the University of Cape Town. SALDRU undertakes research in the fields of labour economics and development in Southern Africa. Topics include labour relations, labour market issues, training women workers, child labour, the environment and industry, and others pertaining to the Southern African economy and economic development. Use of their library is available to those outside the university on a subscription basis. The unit has an extensive collection of resources on the above topics, which includes a database of newspaper articles ... covering over 300 subjects and spanning 25 years.
      Membership:. If you want to become a member, make use of the following contact details for information on the membership fees, services, etc.
      Contact details: Address SALDRU University of Cape Town, Hiddingh Campus, 31 Orange Street Cape Town 8001.
    • Use this example for Archival Services from the Daily Dispatch. The Daily Dispatch Online provides an archival service.