Tips for brochures

Main Contents Page

Before you start




STEP 4: Legal and ethical USE


- Writing an essay/assignment

- Tips for presentations

- Tips for posters

- Tips for brochures

Designing tips

- Tips for displays

- E-communication guidelines

- Writing styles

- Quiz

Some designing tips

  Purpose of the brochure   Determine the purpose of the brochure by asking yourself: what do you want to achieve, what message do you want to get across, who is your target audience, etc.

Write down everything you would like to include in the brochure. Include the benefits to the readers and why they should choose your products/services above those of your competition. Give a brief history of your company, some testimonies of other clients and your contact information.
  Plan your brochure layout   Plan this carefully. Remember first impressions are lasting. The cover page should be attractive and should include the name of your company/product/service, a photo or graphic and other pertinent information.  
  Writing style   Keep your sentences short and to the point. Give only necessary information. Remember most people do not want to read long documents - they will lose interest if they have to. Use powerful words like: save, new, results, guarantee, free, proven, sale, etc.  
  Headings   Use headings to draw attention to sections in your brochure. These headings should stand out - a bigger font, different colour or bold print.  
  Grammar and spelling   Always get someone to proofread your brochure. Make sure there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.  
  Colour combinations   Be aware that some colours, like certain yellows etc., are difficult to see. The text and the background colours you use should complement each other. Make sure your foreground colour (text) is clear and gentle on the eyes when combined with the background colour.  
Paper quality Paper quality plays a very important role when you want to impress somebody with your brochure. Remember that if your brochures are going to be in a display stand, good quality paper will prevent them from flopping over and looking unattractive and messy. There is no point in planning the perfect brochure, excellent layout, etc., when the paper is of a poor quality.