- Plagiarism What is it? - Copyright |
What is plagiarism?" Most simply,
plagiarism is intellectual theft. Any use of another author's research,
ideas, or language without proper attribution may be considered plagiarism." "An adacemic malpractice. Plagiarism is the use of the ideas, words
or findings of others without acknowledging them as such. To plagiarize
is to give the impression that the student has written, thought or discovered
something that he or she has in fact borrowed from someone else without
acknowledging this in an appropriate manner". It is unethical and illegal to submit someone else's work as your own - it is the same as stealing. Plagiarism can take various forms. It can be blatant theft or accidental "borrowing". See the following examples:
Although this sometimes happens accidentally, it is still considered plagiarism:
(Source: http://www.engl.niu.edu/comskills/students/plagiarism/Plagiarism.html; 2001)