• Unemployed Graduates Protest
  • 2017 Budget Summary
  • Blues defeated but not disgraced
  • Budget Speech 2017
  • A candid look at our 2017 registration
  • First Things First (HIV/STI/TB) Campaign
  • Unsuccessful NSFAS applicants have till end February to appeal
  • Prof Sakhela Buhlungu offically welcomed at the State of the Province Address (SOPA)
  • University of Fort Hare appoints new Chancellor
  • Somila Jho shines in a tight encounter between FNB UFH Blues and FNB UWC in Alice
  • UFH goes global with a ground based solar radiometric data measurement station in Alice
  • FNB UFH Blues looking for a good start
  • UFH opens for the new academic year
  • UFH opens for the new academic year
  • Star performance for UFH staff sport in Africa
  • Tom Bows out in Maseru
  • Registration 2017
  • Vodacom Foundation and IDC donates over R500,000.00 worth of technology to the UFH’s FOSST Discovery Centre
