Dr Sizwe Nxasana, one of UFH’s illustrious alumni has been lauded for raising R840 million through his programme, the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISAP) in aid of needy students. ISAP was launched in 2017. Its aim is to provide financial assistance to students who qualify for university academically, but are too poor to afford to pay university fees, but not poor enough to qualify for government funding – also known as “the missing middle”. According to an online news article dated 22 February, the funds will be directed to students studying towards a career in scarce skills that are required to develop the country’s economy.
Dr Nxasana holds a BCom from University of Fort Hare and a Bachelor of Accounting Science (Honours) degree (UNISA). In 1989 he established Sizwe & Co, the first black-owned audit practice in Kwazulu Natal. In 1996 he became the founding partner of Nkonki Sizwe Ntsaluba, the first black-owned national firm of accountants and was the national managing partner. Today the firm is known as Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo. It is the largest home-grown audit and advisory firm and recently joined the Grant Thornton Global Network.
UFH is proud to be associated with the likes of Dr Nxasana and many distinguished alumni who continue to contribute to the economy of our country.
Click here for the online article: https://www.iol.co.za/sundayindependent/news/r840m-raised-to-help-needy-students-gain-scarce-skills-43204390