John Lamola

John Lamola

Research Fellow
B.Th (UNISA), Ph.D. (Edinburgh), MBA (Embry-Ridddle)
Malesela John Lamola, BTh (Unisa), PhD (Edinburgh), MBA (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.) lectures in Philosophy at the University of Pretoria. Besides holding a nomination of Research Fellow in the University of Fort Hare since 2004, he is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Intelligent Systems of the University of Johannesburg.  His research interest is on the intersection of African social philosophy, Marxian epistemology and conceptualisations of the effects of technology on society, and on the existentialist dilemmas of a postcolonial African humanity. He teaches and publishes on Louis Althusser, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Technology, African postcolonial critical theory, and South African history and racial dynamics.  See
Lamola, M. J.  2019. “Breaking the analytical gridlock of the African Postcolonial Self-imagination: Marx against Mbembe”.  Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 24 (2), 48-60, DOI:
Lamola, M. J.  2018.  “The de-Africanisation of the African National Congress and the Malaise of Afrophobia in South Africa”, Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions, 7 (3): 72-93. DOI: 
Lamola, M. J.  2018 “Blackhood as a Category in Contemporary Discourses on Black Studies:  An Existentialist Philosophical Defence”. Transformation in Higher Education 3( a55), [November 2018], DOI: 
Lamola, M. J. 2018.  “Marx, the Praxis of Liberation Theology, and the Bane of Religious Epistemology”.  Religions (ISSN2077-1444) 9, 271; DOI: 10.3390/rel8120271. Republished in, J. Sands and A.H. Verhoef (Eds.) 2018, Transforming Encounters and Critical Reflection: African Thought, Critical Theory, and Liberation Theology in Dialogue, pp.115-128. Basel:  MDPI Books (ISBN 978-3-03897-152-8),
Lamola, M. J.  2017. “African Postmodernism: Its nature, moment and content”. International Journal of Renaissance Studies , 12 (1):  110-123
Lamola, M. J.  2017. “Black Solidarity and the quest for a non-racial humanity: Biko’s enduring dilemma”. New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy, No 64,  pp. 21-26
Lamola, M. J. 2016.  “On a Contextual South African Philosophy Curriculum: Towards an option for the excluded”. South African Journal of Philosophy, 35 (4): 501-512, DOI:10.1080/02580136.2016.1244405 , Republished in Edwin Etieyibo (Ed). Decolonisation, Africanisation and the Philosophy Curriculum, 183-189. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-13-8570368
Lamola, M. J.  2016. “Senghor, Globalism and Africanity”. Phronimon   17 (2): 51-67. ISSN 1561-4018; DOI:
Lamola, M. J. 2016.  “Biko, Hegel and the End of Black Consciousness; A historico-philosophical discourse on South African racism”. Journal of Southern African Studies  42 (2): 183-194 
Lamola, M. J. 2016. “The Political Economy of the Philosophical Canon: an Africanist critique”.  Philosophia Africana. 17 (20):  89-99
Lamola, M. J. 2015. “Peter J. King and the transformation of the Philosophical canon: an Africanist appreciation”.  Phronimon 16 (1): 63-77.
Lamola, M. J. 2013. “Marxism as a Science of Interpretation: Beyond Althusser”. South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (2): 187-196
Lamola, M. J. 1994. “The Church and the Struggle for Economic Justice: A Prolegomena”. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, No. 87,  pp.43-48
Lamola, M. J. 1994. “Change is Pain: A Projective Reflection on the Church in Post-Apartheid South Africa”. International Review of World Mission 83 (328): 37-44.
Lamola, M. J.  1989. “The Thought of Steve Biko as the Philosophical base of South African Black Theology”. Journal of Black Theology in South Africa  3 (2): 1-14
Lamola, M. J.  1988. “Towards a Black Church: A historical investigation of the African Independent Churches as a Model”. Journal of Black Theology in South Africa, 2 (1): 5-14
Lamola, M. J. 2013 “Marxism as a Science of Interpretation: Beyond Althusser”, Journal of Philosophy in South Africa, 32 (2): 187-196
Lamola, M. J. 1994 “The Church and the Struggle for Economic Justice: A Prolegomena”, in Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, No. 87, June.  pp.43-48
Lamola, M. J. 1994 “Change is Pain: A Projective Reflection on the Church in Post-Apartheid South Africa”, in International Review of  World Mission,  Vol. 40., No. 717, August, pp 89-103.
Lamola, M. J.1989 “The Thought of Steve Biko as the Philosophical base of South African Black Theology”, Journal of Black Theology in South Africa, Vol. 3 No.2, May, pp. 1-14
Lamola, M. J.  2018. “Jéan-Paul Sartre and the Agenda of an Africanist Philosophy of Liberation”. In Method, Substance, and the Future of African Philosophy, edited Edwin Etiyiebo, 313-333.  London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-70225-4, /10.1007/978-3-319-70226-1
Lamola, M. J. 1988. “What is Peace?” In Resistance and Reconstruction, edited by M. Desai, 60-67.  Bedcchi, India: I.T.R
Lamola, M. J.  1986. “Debate on Violence: An ethical assessment of the debate on political violence in South Africa”. In Hammering Swords into Ploughshares: Essays in Honour of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, edited by Buti Tlhagale and Itumeleng Mosala, 56-67. Michigan: Grand Rapids. ISBN 0-551-01565-9
“Debate on Violence: A philosophical assessment of the debate on political violence in South Africa” in, Buti Tlhagale, Itumeleng Mosala (Eds) 1986. Hammering Swords into Ploughshares: Essays in Honour of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Michigan: Grand Rapids, pp. 56-67.
Lamola, M. J. 1993, The International Monetary System and Poverty in Africa: A Challenge for Christian Mission, EFSA Institute of Theological & Inter-disciplinary Research, Cape Town. ISBN 1874917051.
“Mbeki Redefines Rennaisance”, The Thinker, Vol, 53, October 2013, p.56-58
“Repositioning State-Owned Enterprises: An Anecdote from History”, in The Thinker, Vol. 26, April 2011, pp. 42-45.