Student Counselling

The Student Counselling Unit (SCU) provides holistic counselling (personal, emotional, spiritual, academic, social etc). and Career Counselling to students as well as staff members at no costs. The highly professional Student Counsellors can handle problems ranging from roommate conflict, relationship, family, financial problem, anger management, handling depression, as well as addictions.


For individual counselling please contact the SCU for an interview. (see contact details below) Besides the counselling, this unit also provides the following programmes:


Peer help programme (students trained to help other student at university) Graduate Placement Programme (GPP).

GPP takes place in the third term of each year and provides an opportunity for students to connect with the business world. Companies come on to campus to recruit, deliver presentations and interview students who are graduating.


HIV&AIDS awareness and assistance: (HEAIDS Programme)

Career Centre (a venue where information on career options and employment opportunities can be found) Available on both campuses are: Career Libraries and an electronic Career Mentor programme to assist students with career choices and specifications.


Career Guidance Programme (CGP) gives students an opportunity to be trained in CV writing, career decision making, job hunting and interviewing skills etc.


Developmental Workshops and brochure are available to students from the Career Centers.


Workbooks are conducted by SCU on a range of skills required by the world of work and can assist you through your time at University.

For a taste of what SCU can offer you look at the information on study skills below.



The value of an exam study schedule / roster is:

Before you even begin to think about the process of studying for exams, you must develop a study schedule / roster only then will you have any way of getting the true valuable time you need to succeed. On the reverse side of this document find a study roster layout to assist you with planning for your study and exam times.


Improving your concentration when studding by:

• Study in a quiet place that is comfortable, airy and light

• Draw up a study schedule that is realistic one you know you can stick to

• Study at the time of day when you are at your best, most awake and alert

• Don’t do two tasks at the same time, focus on one area of study at a time

• Study in 45 minute slots with a 10 minute break. repeat the cycle 3 times and then have a good break and do something that you enjoy (hug a tree)

• Try to relax before starting to study sit quietly and clear your mind of

worrisome thoughts before you start, you have the time now don’t waist it

• Be interested in what you are studying it will motivate you to stick it out


Before the exam:

• Make sure you know the date, time and venue of the exam

• Try not to have any new work to revise the night before an exam

• Make sure you get enough sleep the night before an exam

• Eat a healthy meal, not too heavy

• Don’t look at your work or discuss it just before an exam

• Make sure you get to your exam well before starting time

• Make sure you have all the pens and equipment you need for the exam


During the exam

• Listen to the instructions given by the invigilator they are important for you to not make mistakes during the exam


• Read all the written instructions carefully – especially those about choices of questions. Ask if there is something you don’t understand.


• Go through the whole paper before starting as this will give you an idea of what is expected of you and will help you to plan your time


• Start with those questions you can answer best as this will help you build confidence to tackle the more difficult questions later


• Number your answers clearly and make sure you answer in the correct place


• Consider each question carefully to make sure that you understand exactly what is required of you before you start writing


• Spend time planning answers, especially to essay questions


• Cross out all rough work and planning which you do not want to have marked.


• Write as neatly as you can without wasting too much time


• Set aside time at the end of your exam to go through your paper to make sure you have included all the relevant information in the right places





UFH Alice Campus: 040 602 2279

UFH East London campus: 040 704 7009 / 7314