UFH Western Cape Chapter Alumni Annual General Meeting

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The Western Cape Alumni chapter held its Annual General Meeting at the scenic Sanlam Headquarters in Bellville on Saturday 27th May 2017. In attendance were Fortarians of different generations including the new University of Fort Hare Vice Chancellor, Professor Sakhela Buhlungu and his first of so many to come alumni connections.



The AGM elected Mr Mthozami Xiphu as new chairperson of the chapter and Vuyani Lallie as his deputy. The Vice Chancellor said, the University of Fort Hare has always been close to his heart and he has always been keen to join the University of Fort Hare ever since his early university student life and his appointment as head of the institution now comes as an answer to his wishes. He called upon Alumni to support the university as the university will always contact with them according to their fields of expertise. 


Alumni declared their support and expressed a motion of confidence to Prof Buhlungu as the right person to can turn the university around. Xiphu indicated that the Western Cape alumni have been discussing the possibility of opening an alumni trust account that would assist the University with certain projects. 


The following are trustees of the alumni trust fund, Advocate Vusumzi, Pikoli, Pakisa Pepeta, Zola Madotyeni, Fiona Moko, and Maniki Melane. UFH would also call on all the other provincial chapters to invite the VC to their meetings as this would be a great opportunity to share ideas and to strengthen the UFH alumni network.


 by Thabo Mpumlwana