Official hand over of Phyllis Ntantala Jardon Research Papers & Pallo Jordan Book Launch

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The University of Fort Hare has strengthened its long historical relationship with the Jordan family which started in the 1930’s by officially handing over the research papers of a former Alumni Phyllis Ntantala Jordan ,Having completed the teachers diploma at the University and she was later on honoured with a Doctorate ,the university being the  common ground where she and A C Jordan her husband met.


The official hand over of the research papers and the book launch of her son Pallo Jordan took place at the Miriam Makeba Hall at the University of Fort Hare in East London. The research material  is of importance to individuals who are interested in academia. The Vice Chancellor, Prof Sakhele Buhlungu articulated The significance of  the day by indicating that this long term standing relationship between the Jordan’s and the University. He mentioned the years that  A C Jordan spent at the University from 1948 up until 1961 when he went to exile. The Archival & Research materials were handed over to Prof Sakhela Buhlungu and Mr Andile Mogocoba by Mr P Jordan. He referred to the research papers as a gold mine and that the scholars should access them, in particular those who are doing their thesis and masters.


Mr P Jordan urged the institution to honour and value the research materials by making them accessible in every library around the university. He also said that one of his mother’s wishes were for the papers to reach the deserving destination and serve their intended purposes. The former Minister informed people at the launch that research papers are the best resource for any institution and Fort Hare is fortunate for having to receive these remarkable resources


The book titled “Letters to my comrades” is all about thoughts, ideas and provocation, Mr Pallo Jordan added that the title of the book was inspired by Comrade Fidel Castro. Those who bought the book had an opportunity of the book being signed by Pallo Jordan.


Prof John Hendricks having read the book by Mr Jordan said it gives people an insight about him and how he learned to cook as well as his musical background. Mr Jordan concluded by saying educational quotes, Young people must develop the capacity to learn from the elders, and promised everyone that his book is indeed a pleasant read.


The book has information of meticulous reading amassed over nearly half a century of struggle. Letters to Friends and Comrades is the ultimate collection of his piercing and yet embraceable thoughts and inquiries


By Thina Sam