Mr L.J Bookholane

Contact Details: 
040 602 2571

Mr L.J. Bookholane joined the teaching staff of the UFH Centre for Theology & Religion in 2013

Research Interests: 

Religion in society (the academy, the church, politics, the economy, popular literature)

Inter-religious, faith dialogue and ecumenical relations

Religion, church and development for personal and social transformation

Hermeneutics: Socio-economic reading of Religious Texts

TRS 115 Religion in Society TRS 125 Introduction to the Nature and Role of Religion TRS 215 Inter-religious dialogue TRS 225 Religion and Ethics for Social Transformation TRS 315 Religion and Development for Social Transformation TRS 325 Church and Development for Social Transformation TBS 125 Introduction to the Literature/Text and Message of the Bible (New Testament) TBS 225 The Bible as Literature (Exposition of the Bible) The Theology of the Bible (The Bible as Canon and its status within the Church) TBS 315 African reading of the Bible (New Testament) TBS 325 Biblical Ethics (New Testament) B Th (Hons) - TBS 501 Biblical Hermeneutics and Exposition for Social Transformation - TBS 504 (Extended Essay) Post Graduate – Supervision: M Th

(2011): Madipoane Masenya (Ngwan’a Mphahlele) & Lehlohonolo Bookholane “Towards an Ethical Reading of the Bible in the Fight against HIV and AIDS” Old Testament Essays 24/1 pp.94-117.

(2010): “History, Text and Hermeneutics: A Black Theology appraisal of Judges 12:1-6 translations into African Languages”Scriptura Volume 105/3

(2010): “Reading Judges 12:2 in dialogue with Maimela”Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae July Vol. XXXVI Supplement pp.115-125.

 (2005): Bible Study Series on Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation Theme: Creator, Creation and Us Fourth General Synod of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa Acts 26                            September – 02 October, Pietermaritzburg

(2004): Bookholane L.J. Exploring Theology. An Introductory Dictionary. Translationb from English to Sesotho (Eds.) Kritzinger Klippies, Theron Jacques, Liebenberg Lieb, Nel Willie. University of               South Africa, Pretoria: Research Institute for Theology and Religion

(2004):“The child under siege” Challenge Church and People No.79 December/January pp.24-25

(2003): Kneifel Theo & Bookholane L. Back to the basics – Jesus on economy: Bridges over the economic divide, in, Frochtling A. & Phaswana N. (Eds.) Being (the church) beyond the South-North –             divide: Identities, otherness and embodied hermeneutics in partnership discourses South Africa – Germany 212-233. Munster: LIT ISBN: 3-8258-6633-5. Ecumenical studies / Okumenische                   Studien

(2003): Bookholane L.J. et al. Nurturing Peace, Overcoming Violence: In the way of Christ for the sake of the World. An Invitation to a process of theological study and reflection on Peace, Justice                     and      Reconciliation during the Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Peace and Reconciliation 2001-2010. Programme Desk on Theological Study and Reflection on peace Faith               & Order. Faith and Order Team. Geneva: World Council of Churches

(2002): “The Eunuch and the National Budget of Ethiopia”Challenge Church & People No.68 April / May pp.14-15.

(2001-2):“Anxiety about tomorrow: Reflections on Matthew 6:25-34”Challenge Church & People No 67 Dec / Jan, pp. 14-15.

(1999):“Paying other people’s debts: Reflections on Jeremiah 31:27-30” Challenge Church & People No.49, Oct / Nov, pp.14-15.

(1998):“’Truly This Man Was the Son of God’:A Reflection from a Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa Perspective” Journal of Constructive Theology Vol.4 No.1 pp.49-58

(1988a):“Greed and corruption: Digging your own grave: Reflections on Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)”  Challenge Church & People No.49, Aug / Sept, pp.17-18.

(1998b):“Women in solidarity and co-working with God: Lk 1:39-45; Mk 16:1-7” Challenge Church & People No.47, April / May, pp.26-27.

(1998c):“Lest we forget when we reach the Palace: A reminder from Esther 4” Challenge Church & People No.46, Feb / Mar, pp.26-27.

(1997b):“The Homeless Baby:  Parallels between the South African story and Luke 2:1-7” Challenge Church & People No.45, Dec 97 / Jan 98, pp.14-15.

(1997a):“‘Om gehoorsam te bely en te doen’: Reflections on Mark 15:39:‘Truly this man was the son of God’” 2nd General Synod Minutes Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa, pp.589-594.


Bookholane, L. Call to welcome foreigners applies to at least 80% of citizens

Bookholane, L. 2015. Fallen comrades show us the way. 8 May

(1999a):“A cry from the heart to fathers” Daily Dispatch July 02, p.12.                 

(1999b):“Comparison with Babylon problematic” CITY PRESS July 25, p.6.

(1999c):“Lip Service is not good enough” CITY PRESS August 15, p.6.

(1999d):“Fort Hare promotes African Heritage” Daily Dispatch September 10, p.12.

(1999e):“Racist religion must be exposed” CITY PRESS September 19, p.6.

(1999f):“Snakebite deaths can be avoided” Daily Dispatch December 30, p.8.