Dr C Alberts

Senior Lecturer
Contact Details: 
040 6022183

Dr Charl Alberts has been attached to the Department of Psychology in Alice for the past 36 years. He has retired from the Department in September 2018 but is serving in a contract capacity. He is a registered Counselling Psychologist with the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA). Dr Alberts completed his PhD under the supervision of the renowned Prof Kevin Durrheim from the UKZN, Pietermaritzburg, with a thesis entitled: Construction of threat: Afrikaansness as an identity in crisis in post-apartheid South Africa.

Research Interests: 

Dr Alberts has been teaching courses in Social Research Methods and Counselling Psychology, at different levels, the last number of years, amongst others.  His main research interest is on Identity Studies among young people from different socio-cultural backgrounds in a South African context of fundamental social change. He has been publishing articles in scientific journals from both modernist (Erikson-Marcia paradigm) and social constructionist meta-theoretical perspectives. He has also developed an interest and is using Dialogical Self Theory, developed by Hubert Hermans from the Netherlands

PSY111, PSY510, PSY512 and PSY322.

Alberts, C., & Durrheim, K. D. (2018). Future direction of identity research in a context of political struggle: A critical appraisal of Erikson. Identity, DOI: 10.1080/15283488.2018.1523727

Alberts, C. (2017). Afrikaner and Coloured school-going adolescents negotiating ethnic identities in a post-colonial South African educational context: A Dialogical Self interpretation. In H.J.M. Hermans & F. Meijers (Eds.), Dialogical Self Theory in Education: A multicultural perspective (pp. 129-142). New York: Springer.

Alberts, C., & Kheswa, J.G. (2017). Social networks and sexual behaviour amongst adolescent females in one secondary school in Eastern Cape, South Africa. African Population Studies, 31 (2).

Alberts, C., & Bennet, M. J (2017). Identity formation among isiXhosa-speaking adolescents in a rural Eastern Cape community in South Africa: A brief report. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 27(2), 10-20.

Lindegger, G., & Alberts, C. (2012). The dialogical self in the new South Africa. In H.J.M. Hermans & T. Gieser (Eds.), Handbook of Dialogical Self Theory (pp. 215-233). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Alberts, C., Mbalo, N.F. & Ackermann, C.J. (2003). Adolescent’s perceptions of the relevance of domains of identity formation: A South African cross-cultural study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 32(3), 169 – 184.

Alberts, C. (2000). Identity formation among African late-adolescents in a contemporary South African context. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 22, 23-42.

Alberts, C. & Meyer, J.C. (1998). The relationship between Marcia’s ego identity statuses and selected personality variables in an African context. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 20, 277-288.