Mr N Makhathini

Head of Department
Contact Details: 
+ 27 (0) 43 704 7111

Mr Nduduzo Makhathini is a lecturer and Head of Department at the University of Fort Hare Music Department. He is also one of the most prominent pianist in the continent, has travelled extensively and hold 9 albums under his belt. He holds a DipMus in from University of kwaZulu Natal, a MMus from University of Stellenbosch and currently reading for his PhD at Stellenbosch University. At the University of Fort Hare he specialises on jazz and music technology related modules, whilst also supervising MA and Hon students.

Research Interests: 

Makhathin’s research focus is around music and spirituality binaries and broad historiographies of jazz in South Africa.   

Jazz Piano (MPI), Jazz Keyboard Technique (MSI), Jazz History (MUH), Theory of Music (MUT), Music Technology (MTP), Advanced Theory of Jazz (MUS), Long essays in the History of Jazz and Creative Studies(MUS)

Bheki Mseleku: Torwards a Biography, SAMUS 2019