Dr B Magure

Head of Department and Senior Lecturer
Political Science and International Relations
Contact Details: 
+27 40 602 2434

Dr Booker Magure is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University Of Fort Hare, South Africa. He is holder of a PhD International Studies (Rhodes University, S.A), MSc International Relations (University of Zimbabwe),  B.Sc. (Political Science and Public Administration - University of Zimbabwe),  Diploma in Human Resource’s Management (Institute of Personnel Management of Zimbabwe. He is a member of the South African Association of Political Science.  

Research Interests: 

Electoral Politics and Voting Behaviour, Civil Society and Democratisation, Party funding and State Capture, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, Social Dialogue, Critical Urban Studies, International Economic Relations, Populism,

South African Government and Politics, Introduction to Political Philosophies and Ideologies, Epistemology and Research Methods in Political Science, International Relations of African States
  1. Magure, Booker (2016). ‘The Royal Ancestor Spirit Medium of Makopa and the 2008 Presidential Run-off Elections in Chipinge, South-East Zimbabwe.’ Gender & Behaviour, vol.14, no 2: 7303-7315.
  2. Magure, Booker (2015). ‘Party Funding for and Against Democracy in Zimbabwe and South Africa.’ Economy for and against Democracy. Edited by Keith Hart and Sharp, John. New York: Berghahn, Human Economy Series no. 2.
  3. Magure, Booker (2015). Review of Erin McCandless’s Polarization and Transformation in Zimbabwe: Social Movements, Strategy Dilemmas and Change. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 12 September 2015. Published online and available at DOI: 10.1080/02589001.2015.1075943 •
  4.  Magure, Booker. (2014). ‘Land, Indigenisation and Empowerment: Narratives that Made a Difference in Zimbabwe’s 2013 Elections.’ Journal of African Elections Vol. 13, no. 2: 17-47
  5. Magure, Booker. (2014). ‘Interpreting Urban Informality in Chegutu, Zimbabwe. Journal of Asian and African Studies 10 June 2014. Published online and available at: DOI: 10.1177/0021909614535568 •
  6.  Magure, Booker. (2012). ‘Foreign Investment, Black Economic Empowerment and Militarised Patronage Politics in Zimbabwe.’ Journal of Contemporary African Studies, vol.30, no 1: 67-82 •
  7. Magure, Booker. (2008)’The State, Labour and the Politics of Social Dialogue in Zimbabwe 1996-2007: Issues Resolved or Matters Arising?’ African and Asian Studies, vol. 7, no. 1 19-48