Colloquia & Seminars 2018

Fort Hare Philosophy/CLEA First Semester 2018 Colloquium program

21 Feb: Prof Sharlene Swartz (HSRC/UCT): Voluntary moral obligation

7 March: Rumbidzai Norah Gopo (University of Zimbabwe): Demystifying the myth of amoral business

14 March: Prof Andrea Hurst (NMMU), Identity and Desire

18 April: Prof Frans van Peperstraten (Tilburg), Heidegger and Nazism

2 May: Prof Derek Martravers (The Open University), Fiction and Narrative

8 August: Munamato Chemhuru (GZU/UJ): The Paradox of Environmental Justice: Some Reflections from the Global South

12 Sept: Les Mitchell (UFH): Animals, Race, and Multiculturalism

26 Sept: Keolebogile Mbebe (UP) : Whites Cannot be Black: A Bikoist Response to Xolela Mangcu

9 Oct: Rozena Maart (UKZN): Critical times, critical race

3 Oct: Mpho Tshivase (UP): Competing Views on the Uniqueness of Persons

Main Boardroom in East London and live streamed to CLEA Boardroom in Alice