2012 Colloquia

Colloquia 2012


Prof Vince Luizzi (Texas), 14 March, 13:oo, Staff Room, East London, Sustainability and Leadership.

Dr Sampie Terreblanche (UFH), 29 March, 13:00, Staff Room, East London, Thinking about Sport, Thinking about History: The Presence of Eschatology and Apocalypse in Sport.

 Ms Rianna Oelofsen (UFH), 19 April, Staff Room, East London, Racial reconciliation according to an Afro-communitarian understanding of ‘human being’.

 Dr John Lamola (UFH), 3 May, Staff Room, East London, Steve Biko and the quest for a rainbow nation.

 Prof A Olivier (UFH), 10 May, Staff Room, East London, What is it like to be an African?

 Mr Aidan Prinsloo (UFH), 15 May, Staff Room Alice, What’s wrong with Ubuntu?


 Prof Bert Olivier (NMMU), 17 May, Staff Room, East London, Plato, Freud and Nietzsche, and human mortality.