2015 Colloquia

Organised by the Department of Philosophy and CLEA:


I Semester

25 Feb: Prof Peter Sutch (Cardiff), “On Distributive Justice and the Common Heritage of Mankind”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

11 March: Prof Dale McKinley (SACSIS), “The State of the Unions: Labour Party Politics”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

19 March: Prof Steven Friedman (UJ), “Race, Class and Power: Harold Wolpe and the Radical Critique of Apartheid”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

25 March: Prof Cathleen Kantner and Udo Tietz (University of Stuttgart), “Multiple Identities – What Commonalities Have in Common”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

26 March: Prof Babette Babich (Fordham University), East London, Title to be announced, Live Streaming to Alice.

8 April: Barry Gibb (South African National Association of Visual Arts), Title to be announced, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

22 April: Prof Louise du Toit (University of Stellenbosch), Title to be announced.

29 April: Dr Nomalanga Mkhize (Rhodes), “Masculine South African Political Culture” Alice, Live Streaming to East London.

6 May: Prof Lawrence Hamilton (UJ), “Freedom”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.


II Semester

23 July: Dr Chris Alsobrook (UFH) “Custom, Inequality and African Rights”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

30 July: Dr Olusegun Morakinyo (UFH) “Does an African Philosophy exist?”  A critical reading of Cheikh Anta Diop’s African Philosophy, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

26 Aug: Prof Allison Drew (York) 'Visions of Liberation: The Algerian war of independence and its South African reverberations’, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

7 Sept: Dr Anke Graness (Vienna) "African Origins of Philosophy in Ancient Egypt", East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

16 Sept: Dr Luis Rodrigues (UFH) “Bullfighting and Deviance”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

23 Sept: Dr Nomalanga Mkhize (Rhodes University) “Amalungelo are not for apha emzini wam': African languages as proxy for customary control in South African political discourse”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

30 Sept: Arthur van Coller (UFH): “The foundation of human dignity and the law”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

7 Oct: Bantu Holomisa: “The role of traditional leadership in a constitutional democracy”, East London, Live Streaming to Alice.

14 Oct: Prof Lewis Gordon: Title to be announced.



Prof Abraham Olivier, Department of Philosophy: aolivier@ufh.ac.za

Dr Chris Allsobrook, Centre for Leadership Ethics in Africa (CLEA): callsobrook@ufh.ac.za