
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Curriculum)


The Curriculum shall consist of the following 

Bachelor of Fine Arts modules:

            Fine Art Studies (160 credits)

            Art of Drawing (128 credits)

            LKA111/LKA121 (16 credits) Compulsory

            Philosophy of Art (32 credits)

            History of Art (128 credits)

             Thirty two (32) credits each in any 2 subjects listed in rule A4 or Entry Requirements or any equivalent modules with the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator.


Year of study


To be admitted to the second year of study, a learner shall have completed 32 credits each in Fine Art Studies and History of Art plus 16 credits LKA111/LKA121. To be admitted to the third year of study, a learner shall have completed at least: 

 64 credits in Fine Art Studies

 64 credits in History of Art

 32 credits in Art of Drawing

 32 credits in the modules listed in rule FA.2.2

16 credits in LKA111/LKA121


 To be admitted to the fourth year of study, a learner shall have completed at least:

 96 credits in Fine Art Studies

128 credits in History of Art

 64 credits in Art of Drawing

 32 credits in the modules listed in rule FA.2.2

 16 credits in LKA111/LKA121\

Diploma in Fine Arts

The curriculum shall extend over three (3) years of study.

The curriculum shall consist of the following courses:

16 credits LKA111/LKA121

32 credits Museum Studies

96 credits in Fine Art Studies

32  credits in History of Art

32 credits Visual Literacy

96 credits Practical Community Engagement

32 credits in English for Special Purpose

32 credits Project Management

32 credits Arts Policy and Management.


Year of study


 To be admitted into the second year of study, a learner shall have completed at least:

16 credits in LKA111/LKA121

32 credits in Fine Art Studies

32 credits in History of Art

 Should have passed Academic Practices and Reasoning

To be admitted into the third year of study, a learner shall have completed at least:

16 Credits in LKA111/LKA121

64 credits in Fine Art Studies

64 credits in History of Art

32 credits in Art of Drawing


To be admitted into the fourth year of study, a learner shall have completed at least:

 96 credits Fine Art Studies

128 credits History of Art

 64 credits Art of Drawing

16 credits in any subject listed in Rule A4 or any equivalent modules with the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator

16 credits in LKA111/LKA121



Subject to any provision to the contrary in these rules, the rules of the Qualification in Fine Arts shall apply.


Changing of Diploma in Fine Art into Bachelor of Fine Arts


Duration of Curriculum: The curriculum shall be extended over (2) two full years of study upon completion of the three year Diploma in Fine Art or an equivalent qualification. Learners who are not in possession of the Diploma in Fine Art or an equivalent qualification will not be allowed to convert to Bachelor of Fine Arts.


Composition of the Curriculum


           64 credits in Fine Art Studies at 400 level

           32 credits in Philosophy of Art

           112 credits in any subject listed in Rule A4 or any equivalent modules with the approval of the Programme Co‑ordinator

           16 credits in LKA111/LKA121


Year of Study


A learner who wishes to convert from Diploma in Fine Art or the equivalent qualification to Bachelor in Fine Art (4th year of study) shall have completed at least:

 96 credits in Fine Art Studies

 128 credits in History of Art

 128 credits Art of Drawing

 16 credits in any subject listed in Rule A4 or any equivalent modules with the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator to be offered at second year level

 16 credits in LKA111/LKA121


FA.18   Admission to Final Year


To be admitted into the final year of study, a learner shall have completed at least:

 32 credits in Philosophy of Art

 48 credits in any subject listed in Rule A4 or any equivalent modules with the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator.

 16 credits in LKA111/LKA121