
Courses for undergraduate are as follows:


Fundamental Criminology and Introduction to Juvenile Justice (CRM111)


Purpose:To introduce learners to criminological aspects, philosophical base, fundamentals and development base of criminology

Content: Orientation to the study field of criminology definition of crime and the criminal law, social control and criminal law, basic patterns of crime, the origin and development of the criminal law. Basic concepts of juvenile justice, adjudication and treatment of juvenile offenders


Penology and Introduction to Victimology and crime prevention (CRM122)

Purpose:   To introduce learners to the Correctional Administration, Victimology and Crime Prevention Strategies

Content:   An introduction to correctional administration, field of victomology. The categorization of victims according to certain classes. To embark on the meaning of crime preventions; how crime prevention works, models of crime prevention

Historical Theories and Juvenile Justice (CRM211)

Purpose:  To gain a critical theoretical understanding of the initial attempts at understanding criminal behaviour as well as the most recent theoretical understanding of why people commit criminal offences. To obtain the social psychological and biological underpinnings of criminal behaviour. To gain a critical understanding of juvenile delinquency as a social problem and its role in the field of criminology both at a national and international level

Content:   Classical School; Positivistic School; Chicago School; Anomic Theory; Sub- Culture Theory; Differential    Association ; Feminist Theory; Definition of  Concepts: Child; criminal behaviour; neglect; juvenile court; childrens’ court;      behaviour. Nature and incidence of juvenile delinquency. Differences between crimes committed by male and females. Juvenile Gangs; Treatment of the  juvenile offender; Theoretical understanding of the causes of juvenile delinquency.

Prerequisites: CRM111 and CRM122


Correctional Administration, Victimology and Crime Prevention (CRM222)

Purpose:   To obtain a critical and in-depth understanding of the historical development of Victimology and to explore the role the victim plays in the commission of a crime, the lifestyle exposure model of personal victimisation, typologies of victims of crime by various researchers and the evaluation.

Content:   Historical development of Victimology; Nature and extent of Victimology; Different types of victims; Lifestyle /exposure model of personal victimization; Crime problem in South Africa; Concepts of Crime and the police in Crime Prevention; Community programmes for the prevention of crime.

Prerequisites:  CRM11 and CRM122


Modern Theories and Juvenile Justice (CRM311)

Purpose:          To provide students with intervention strategies on modern theories and juvenile justice

Content:           Discussion of juvenile criminality from a criminological perspective. The family as a factor in juvenile misconduct etc. Young gang as a factor in juvenile and misconduct. Prevention of juvenile and misconduct. The role of the school and family in contributing and preventing juvenile delinquency, especially in black townships.

Prerequisites:  CRM211 and CRM222


Correctional Administration and Research Methods in Criminology (CRM322)

Purpose:     To provide students with knowledge based o correctional administration i.e. the admission of offenders in correctional institutions etc. and to equip the learners with research skills.

Content:      Institutional administration, institutional labour, release of inmates from custody, community corrections, women and penal process. Criminological research methodology, research methods and techniques.

Prerequisites:  CRM211 and CRM222