

Research Methods in Criminology (CRM511)


Purpose:  To obtain a critical and in depth understanding and knowledge of the various research paradigms; methods and methodologies available in social research. To be able to compare and evaluate the appropriate research methodology and design to conduct research at Honours level

Content:   Paradigms, motives and principles of social research, research instruments; research design, sampling; piloting; data reduction, data organization, interpretations of data, data processing and analysis, ethical considerations

Prerequisites: CRM311 and CRM322


Fundamental Criminology (CRM512)


Purpose:  To introduce the learner to the development of criminology since eighteenth century and to provide learners with an understanding of the study field and structure of criminology as a subject.

Content:  Twentieth century criminology as a product of the theories of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, causes of crime prevention of crime with emphasis on theoretical crime prevention models, South Africa’s transition and its impact on crime.

Pre-requisites: CRM311 and CRM322


Penology (CRM523)


Purpose:  To equip student with more information regarding the Criminal Justice System

Content:   Criminal Justice System from arrest to trial, correctional management and treatment, treatment and supervision in probation and parole

Prerequisites: CRM311 and CRM322


Research Project (CRM525)


Purpose:   To provide an opportunity to learners to demonstrate research skills, from research design to report writing taught in CRM 511.

Content:    Mini-dissertation; Topic to be chosen by learner.


Juvenile Justice (CRM526)

Purpose:   To provide detailed information, based on empirical data, on the overall problem of the young person and his or her involvement in crime, as well as the theoretical underpinnings of delinquent behaviour in juveniles.

Content:   Definitions of key concept, Nature and Incidence of Juvenile Delinquency; Offences against government authority and good order; Crimes against communal life; Crimes against personal retailers; Crimes against property; Crimes against economic affairs; Crimes against social affairs; Causes of gang formation; Characteristics of a gang; Treatment of the juvenile offender; Theoretical explanations of juvenile delinquency; individual oriented theories; milieu oriented theories

Prerequisites: CRM311 and CRM322




Purpose:  To enable learners to conduct independent research on a topic of their choice

Content:   Topic selected by learner in consultation with the supervisor and subject to the  approval of the Research and Higher Degrees Committee

Prerequisite: Honours degree in Criminology




Content: Topic selected by researcher in consultation with the Mentor and subject to the approval of the Research and Higher Degrees Committee.

Prerequisite: Masters degree in Criminology or related field.