


LIS501 and LIS502 are compulsory. Learners must choose, in consultation with lecturers concerned any three of the remaining seven papers.

LIS501 Research project

A mini dissertation of about 20000 words on a topic chosen in consultation with the lecturer concerned with the field of study and a proposal thereof approved by the lecturer responsible. The dissertation must comply with all the requirements for the publication of a scientific paper and must show proof of the learner’s ability to work independently.

LIS502 Research Methods in Librarianship

Purpose:       To master principles of research methods and be to apply them for a research project

Contents:     A basic introduction to research methods and techniques as applied in librarianship. Provide theoretical and technical skills needed to plan research projects.

LIS503 Management Studies

Purpose:  To enable learners to acquire all round advanced information resources management skills.

Contents: Theories of management : Classic theories, contemporary theories, and theories of knowledge management. Knowledge management: Knowledge economy, knowledge society, explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, intellectual property. Information management environment. Managing change: causes of change. Role of information technology in managing libraries and information services.

LIS504 Information Studies

Purpose: To understand the practical use of information to various user groups.

Contents: In-depth study and use of information sources in specialist subjects; marketing of information; repackaging of information; evaluation of information services; the challenges of information age.

LIS505 Media Studies

Purpose: To acquire knowledge on management and use of non-book materials

Contents: Study of audio-visual and non-print sources of information in media and resource centres, selection and acquisition of materials; methods of processing, storage and retrieval; education and use of material; use of audio-visual technology

LIS506 User Studies

Purpose: To understand the varied needs of information users

Contents: The module examines information needs and demands of specialized interest groups in society; the interaction between print media, radio, television and other non-book media; the influence of different types of information needs and information seeking behaviour on organization of library and information centres.

LIS507 Childrens’ and Young Adults’ Literature

Purpose: To understand the influence of mass media on children and young people.

Contents: The module focuses on developments in media publishing for children and explores the influence which mass media had upon children’s book publishing and library services to young people; provides an insight into present day trends in the publishing of fiction for the young adult; the range of promotional services provided to the young by public and school libraries.

LIS508 Literacy Studies

Purpose: To enable the learner examine community needs and the need to develop and implement library literacy programmes/services to meet those needs

Contents: The social cultural context of literacy; functional approach to literacy; personal philosophy regarding literacy. The role of libraries in creating and sustaining a literacy environment: selecting appropriate materials for adult new reader; collection and library evaluation for learner friendliness; becoming familiar with literacy assessment materials; understanding skills necessary to develop community partnerships for promotion of literacy activities.

LIS509 Publishing

Purpose: To understand the historical development of the publishing industry

Contents: The module examines the history of the publishing industry; modern publishing processes; management of publishing industry; publishing environment in Africa and South Africa. Desktop publishing; electronic publishing; libraries and publishing.



A prospective learner is expected to complete studies/research and submit a dissertation on a topic which in consultation with the lecturers concerned, must meet Senate’s guidelines and approval.


This programme aims to provide the requisite professional skills and qualifications to graduates in the management of archives and records in both the public and private sector. Entry into this programme requires a recognized undergraduate degree. Other equivalent entry qualifications may be considered, including experience of working in the area. The programme will be offered residentially as well as to persons in employment. A significant part of the learning will be applied, where students will be placed with institutions where they can learn on the job.




ARM500 Computer literacy

Purpose: To acquire computer literacy

Contents: This module covers the same course as CSC111 (Introduction to Computers and Computing) currently offered in the Department of Computer Science: Fundamentals components of a computer: hardware and software. operating systems: MS-DOS and Windows; introduction to data communication: e-mail and internet; application of software: word processor, spreadsheets, databases.


ARM501 History and theory of archives

Purpose: To introduce the learner to the necessary background knowledge pertaining to the history, theory and practice of archives and records management.

Contents: Aims at the discussion of the development of the history and theory of the archives profession: gives the definition of archives, records and documents; introduces basic archival management concepts: provenance, respect des fonds, principle of the original order, record life cycle, series, fonds, etc. Focus on archives in comparison with other information resource centres. Model archive legislation.

ARM502 Archives Administration

Purpose: To enable the learner gain basic knowledge about archives administration

Contents: This covers the evolution of archive administration systems: nature of records, accessioning of records, appraisal processes, principles of arrangement, description and classification, classification systems (e.g. EAD, MAD, ISAD ( G ), etc; compilation of finding aids. Focus is also given to acquisitions, collection management, retrieval and access, legal issues, standards, search room and reference services, marketing and promotion services, and the design and execution of outreach programmes.

ARM503 Records Management

Purpose: To gain knowledge on the fundamental principles of records management.

Contents: Focuses on those aspects that pertain to records creation, maintenance, use, and retirement. Other areas of equal focus include registry systems, filing systems, file classification systems, disposal schedules, records transfer, records survey, records management centres. The management of multimedia integrated records: appraisal, accessioning and description, access, disposal, policy procedures, guidelines, standards, legal issues, and retrieval; the importance of ICT; integral role played by records management in organisations.

ARM504 Management studies

Purpose: Application of management principles to archives and records management

Contents: Theories of management and the application of management techniques in archives and records management environment. The module also focuses on the selection, development of human resources in records and archives management organisations, the management of archives and records management resources: strategic planning, grant writing, project management and evaluation.

ARM505 Conservation and Preservation

Purpose: To gain knowledge pertaining to skills and techniques used in the conservation and preservation of records and archives.

Contents: Definition of concepts: preservation, conservation, restoration, destruction, non intervention, etc. The nature of records and archival materials. The dangers to records and archival materials and causes of damage and deterioration: physical, biological, chemical, etc; the protection and/security of materials; the design and layout of buildings and repositories where archives and records are stored. Designing and management of preservation programmes: preservation management policies e.g electronic records, databases, digitisation, copying, handling, exhibition, access, etc. Preventive preservation techniques: migration, reformatting, digitisation, destruction, etc. Planning for disaster management.

ARM506 Internship

Learners are attached to various relevant institutions in the country where they have the opportunity for skills development and problem solving through observation and practice in an information environment under the supervision of a member of the teaching staff and a co-operating information professional in the host institution. This is an integral part of the course and learners are required to demonstrate their ability to accomplish the professional tasks assigned to them during the internship.


Learners are required to select ANY ONE of the following electives in consultation with their lecturers.

ARM507 Advanced information technology

Purpose: To gain knowledge on how information technology can be applied to the management of records and archives.

Contents: This is similar to CSC221 offered at the Computer Science Department: Database concepts: overview, models and application of database systems; history and motivation for database systems; components of database systems, conceptional modelling, functions supported by a typical database; recent development and applications. Databases in information resource centres.

ARM508 Systems analysis and design

Purpose: To understand systems theory approach to information management.

Contents: Introduction to the concept of systems theory: input, output, process. Major components in systems analysis: people, organisation, data, technology and type of decision. Focus on the environment in which the system operates: competition, people, technology, capital, raw materials, data, regulation and opportunities. System design tools: people, data, process, network and technology. System development life cycle: initiation, development, implementation, operation and maintenance.

ARM509 Archives and development

Purpose: To understand the role of archives and records in development programmes

Contents:  Sound records and archives management as prerequisite for development in as far as it affects good governance, equitable judicial systems, accountable fiscal management, and protection of civil rights. Identification of records and archives management problems that impact on development: lack of awareness, weak or absence of relevant legislation, weak or lack of competent human resource support, absence of purpose built infrastructure, lack of or insufficient financial support, poor security and confidentiality controls, underdeveloped disaster preparedness policies, and limited capacity to manage electronically generated records and archives.

ARM510 Information technology and archives

Purpose: To understand the application of information technologies in the management of records and archives

Contents: Proliferation of the various technological trends in the creation, processing, maintenance and retrieval of records and archives. The impact of technologically (electronic, digital, etc,) generated record on the basic principles and practices of records and archives management. Adaptation of records and archival practices to cutting edge information and telecommunication technologies: compilation of finding aids for online access, digitisation of selected collections, acquisition of compatible hardware and software, migration processes, etc.