Professor Cosmas Maphosa

Qualifications: D.Ed, M.Ed, B.Ed, Dip.Ed

Position: Research Professor

Phone number: (+27) 43 704 7203



Teaching areas of specialisation: Curriculum Studies, Educational Management, Higher Education Studies, Research Methods

Research Interests : Curriculum Issues at primary, secondary and post-secondary levels, Educational Management, Higher Education Studies


Publications (last five years):


Maphosa, C. (2013). Understanding Learner Indiscipline in Schools: A Theoretical Overview. Lambert Academic Publishing ISSN 978-3-658-38450-9

Book Chapter

 Rembe, S.,  Shumba, J.,  Maphosa, C & Musesengwe, E. (2016). Change theory: Teacher as reflective and change agent.  In Learn To Teach: A Handbook For Teaching    Practice.  Edited by Okeke, CIO, Abongdia, J., Adu E.O.,  Van Wyk, M.,Wolhuter, C. Cape Town: Oxford University Press

Selected Published Research Articles

  • Mwanza, A.L.D, Moyo, G., Maphosa, C. (2017).  Ethical Behaviours of Student Teachers’ Mentors in Forced Same-Gender And Cross-Gender Matches in a Malawian Initial Primary Teacher Education Programme: Implications For Mentor Selection And Development Africa Education Review (in press)

  • Mtsi, N., Maphosa, C. & Moyo, G. (2016). Exploring educators’ preparedness to teach Natural Sciences at the senior phase of South African secondary schools. Journal of Educational Studies 15 (2), 108 –135

  • Shumba, J., Maphosa, C., Rembe, S., Okeke, C.I.O & Drake, M.L. (2016). Teacher Work Related Stress in Early Childhood Education: Some Coping Strategies. Journal of Psychology, 7 (2), 150 – 15

  • Bhebhe, S. & Maphosa, C. (2016). Examining Teachers’ Computer Literacy And Utilisation Of ICTs In Teaching And Learning At Primary School Level  Journal of Communication 7 (2), 231 – 240

  • Ndhlovu, N. & Maphosa, C. (2016). Understanding innovative measures employed by small to medium size independent hotels in managing business in the Harare central business district in Zimbabwe Journal of Economics 7 (2,3), 85 – 99.

  • Malatji, K.S. Maphosa, C., Mavuso M.P (2016). The views of School Management Teams on self-reflection practices: Towards fulfilling management functions International  Journal of  Educational  Sciences 14 (1,2), 55 - 68

  •  Maphosa C and Wadesango N (2016). Exploring student-specific factors affecting PhD theses completion. Journal of Communication 7 (1), 118 – 126

  • · Mtsi, N. & Maphosa, C. (2016). Challenges Encountered in the teaching and learning of Natural Sciences in rural Schools in South Africa. Journal of Social Sciences 47(1): 58-67

  • Mwanza, A. Moyo, G., Maphosa, C. (2016). Assuring The Quality of Mentoring in Malawi’s 1+1 Model of Initial Primary Teacher Education Programme: Implications for Teacher Development. Journal of Communication 7 (1), 53 – 64

  • Malatji, K.S. Maphosa, C., Mavuso M.P (2016). School Management Teams’ Experiences of Their Participation in School Management in Primary Schools of Mankweng Circuit in Limpopo Province International  Journal of  Educational  Sciences , 13(3): 276-284

  • Malatji, K.S. & Maphosa, C. (2016). Recognition of Prior Learning Practices in a South African Institution of Higher Learning:  Implications for Academic Development Journal of Communication 7 (1), 134 – 141

  •  Bhebhe, S. & Maphosa, C. (2016). Examining Staff Members Views on Staff Retention Practices in a Public Higher Education Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 7(2): 84-91

  • Maphosa C and Wadesango N (2016).Questioning ‘questioning’: examining the use of questioning as an interactive teaching tool in higher education. Journal of Communication 7 (1), 111 – 117

  • Shumba J, Rembe S, Maphosa C, Sotuku N, Adu EO, Drake ML, Duku N, & Okeke CIO (2016). Causes of work related teacher stress in early childhood development: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Social Sciences 46(3): 214-223

  • Maphosa, C. Netshifhefhe, L., Nobongoza, V. (2016). Quality assuring teaching and learning processes for sustainable development in higher education: A critical appraisal Journal of Communication 7 (1), 65 – 78

  • Sikhwari, TD, Maphosa, C, Masehela, M & Ndebele, C (2015). Exploring Student Views on Factors Affecting Academic Performance in a South African University International Journal of Education Sciences 10(3): 442-450

  • Mwanza, A.L.D, Moyo, G., Maphosa, C. (2015).  Assessing the Norms and Standards of School Mentors’ Competences in the 1+1 Model of Initial Primary Teacher Education in Malawi: Implications for Mentor Development International Journal of Education Sciences 9 (2), 111 – 120.

  •  Zikhali, J., Chauraya, E., Madzanire, D., Maphosa, C. (2015).  An Exploration of Factors Affecting Students’ Studies in One Selected University in Zimbabwe International Journal of Education Sciences 9 (2), 243 – 254.

  • Maphosa, C., Bhebhe, S., Dziva, M. (2015). Interrogating the Significance of Professionalism and Professional Ethics in the Teaching Profession. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 6(2): 263-272

  • Wadesango, N., Mutekwe, E., Ndofirepi, A., Maphosa, C., Machingambi, S. (2015). Involvement of teachers in school-based decision making processes of choice of subjects. International Journal of Education Sciences 8 (3), 645 – 653

  • Rudhumbu, N., Maphosa, C. (2015). The mediating role of demographic characteristics on the role of academic middle managers in curriculum change in private higher education in Botswana. Merit Journal of Education and Review 3 (12), 318 – 330

  • Rudhumbu, N., Maphosa, C. (2015). Talent management in private higher education institutions in Botswana.  Journal of Human Ecology 19(1-2), 21-32

  • Nokwali, M. P., Mammen, K. J., Maphosa, C. (2015). How is Technology Education Implemented in South African Schools? Views from Technology Education Learner. International  Journal of Education Sciences, 8(3): 563-571

  • Mashau, T., Maphosa, C. (2014). Facilitation of Learning in the University: What Really Makes an Effective University Teacher? Journal of Social Sciences 41 (3), 403 – 413

  • Mashau, S.T, Mutshaeni, H. N, Maphosa, C. (2014). Overcoming learner diversity: a teacher education perspective in South Africa. Journal of Social Sciences 41 (3), 395 – 401

  • Maphosa, C., Mashau, T (2014). Examining the Ideal 21st Century Teacher-education Curriculum International Journal of Education Sciences 7 (2), 319 – 327

  • Mudzielwana, N.P., Maphosa, C. (2014). Trainee teachers’ experiences of being observed teaching while on teaching practice: A case of a rural-based university in South Africa Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5 (16), 393 – 402

  • Kalenga, R.C., Fourie, E., Maphosa, C. (2014). Replicating society’s discrimination of disadvantaged and marginalised groups: inclusive education and the power of the curriculum. The Anthropologist 17(2), 523-532

  •  Maphosa, C., Mudzielwana, N.P (2014). Designing a Teaching and Learning Agenda in a University: Key Considerations. Journal of Sociology  and Social Anthropology 5 (2), 161 -167

  • Dziva, M., Bhebhe, S., Maphosa, C (2014). Examining the significance and controversy of human rights education in developing countries. Journal of Human Ecology 45 (3), 197 – 206

  • Ndebele, C., Maphosa, C. (2014). Voices of Educational Developers on the Enabling and Constraining Conditions in the Uptake of Professional Development Opportunities by Academics at a South African University. International Journal of Education Sciences 6(7), 169 – 182

  • Maphosa, C., Sikhwari, T.D., Ndebele, C and Masehela, M. (2014). Interrogating Factors Affecting Students’ Epistemological Access in a South African University. The Anthropologist 17(2), 409-420

  • Masehela, L., Ndebele, C., Sikhwari, T., Maphosa, C. (2014). Mentors’ Reflections of a Pilot Mentoring Programme in a South African University. The Anthropologist 17(2), 367-376

  • Maphosa C., Mudzielwana N. P., Netshifhefhe L.  (2014) Examining The Significance Of Service Learning In Driving The Purpose Of A Rural-Based University In South Africa.  Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5 (16), 302 – 312

  • Maphosa, C., Ndebele, C. (2014). Interrogating the Skill of Introducing A Lecture: Towards an Interactive Lecture Method of Instruction. The Anthropologist 17(2), 543-550.

  • Maphosa, C (2014). Towards a mainstream curriculum embedded student academic Development programme in South African universities International Journal of Educational Sciences 6 (1), 11 – 18

  • Maphosa, C (2014). Examining Cultural Factors Affecting Academic Developers in Performing Staff Development Functions in Three Universities in South Africa International Journal of Educational Sciences  6 (1), 95 – 101

  • Maphosa, C., Mudzielwana, N.P. (2014). Professionalization of Teaching in Universities: A compelling case International Journal of Educational Sciences  6 (1), 65 – 73

  • Maphosa, C., Wadesango, N (2014). Interrogating the role of Academic Developers in the promotion of scholarly teaching and the scholarship of learning and teaching International Journal of Educational Sciences 6 (1), 75 – 83

  • Ndofirepi, A.P., Wadesango, N., Machingambi, S. Maphosa, C., Mutekwe, E. (2013). Can a philosophy for children programme empower the 21st century child in Africa? Studies in Tribes and Tribals, 11 (2), 179 – 193

  •  Mutekwe, E., Maphosa, C., Machingambi, S., Ndofirepi, A.P., Wadesango, N (2013). Exploring the teachers’ role in the social construction of gender through the hidden curriculum and pedagogy: a case of Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Sciences, 37 (3), 307- 318

  • Mudzielwana, N.P & Maphosa, C.  (2013). The Influence of Context in the South African Higher Education System: A Social Realist Critique. Journal of Sociology and Social  Anthropologist, 4(3),  175-181

  • Maphosa, C., Zikhali. J., Chauraya, E., Madzanire, D. (2013). Students’ Perceptions of the Utility of Pedagogical Approaches Used By Lecturers in Selected Faculties at a Zimbabwean University. Journal of Social Sciences, 36 (2), 113 – 122.

  • Maphosa, C., Mutekwe, E., Machingambi, S., Wadesango, N., Ndofirepi, A. (2013). School Clusters in Zimbabwe: What Issues Do Clusters Tackle? International Journal of  Educational  Sciences, 5(3), 293-300

  •  Machingambi, S., Maphosa, C., Ndofirepi, A., Mutekwe, E., Wadesango, N (2013). Perceived Challenges of Implementing the Performance Management System in Zimbabwe Journal of Social Sciences, 35 (3): 263 – 271

  • Ndebele, C. & Maphosa, C. (2013). Promoting active learning in large class university teaching: prospects and challenges. Journal of Social Sciences, 35 (3): 251 – 262

  • Ndofirepi, A., Wadesango, N., Machingambi, S., Maphosa, C. & Mutekwe, E (2013). Philosophy for children: A possible starting point for democratic citizenship in Africa?  The Anthropologist, 15 (2), 167 – 175

  • Ndebele, C. & Maphosa, C. (2013). Exploring the assessment terrain in higher education: possibilities and threats: a concept paper.  Journal of Social Sciences, 35 (2), 149 – 158

  • Mutekwe, E., Ndofirepi A, Maphosa C, et al (2013). A SWOT analysis of the rise and pedagogical implications of the social constructivist epistemology in education practice The Anthropologist, 15 (1), 53 – 65

  • Kariyana, I., Maphosa, C. & Mapuranga, B. (2013). Towards a holistic curriculum: how significant is learners’ participation in co-curricular activities Journal of Social Sciences, 35 (2), 159 – 167

  • Maphosa, C., Kalenga RC (2012). Displacing or depressing the lecture system: towards a transformative model of instruction for the 21st century university. The Anthropologist, 14 (6), 555-563

  • Chinamasa, E., Maphosa, C. (2012). Technological andragogy: a case of computer application skills development by masters students at a university of technology in Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Sciences, 33 (3), 315-322

  • Machingambi, S., Maphosa, C et al (2012). To what extent is testing a barometer for educational quality? Unveiling the intended and unintended consequences of high-stakes testing on student learning. International Journal of Education Sciences, 4 (3), 243-248.

  • Maphosa, C. Mutekwe, E et al (2012). Teacher accountability in South African public schools: a call for professionalism from teachers. The Anthropologist, 14 (6), 545-553.

  • Kariyana I, Maphosa, C, Mapuranga, B (2012). The Influence of learners’ participation in school co-curricular activities on academic performance assessment of teachers’ performance. Journal of Social Sciences, 33 (2), 137 – 146

  • Wadesango N., Maphosa C. et al (2012). Impediments embedding decentralization of teacher recruitment practices to communities in Zimbabwe. The Anthropologist, 14 (6), 527 – 537

  • Maphosa. C. & Mutopa, S. (2012). Teachers’ awareness of their role in planning and implementing school-based curriculum innovation. The Anthropologist, 14 (2), 99 – 106

  • Shumba, A., Shumba, J. & Maphosa, C.  (2012). Mentorship of student teachers on teaching practice: Perceptions of teacher mentors in Zimbabwean schools. Journal of New Generation Sciences, 10 (1), 148 -169

  • Mutekwe, E., Modiba, M & Maphosa, C. (2012). Female students’ perceptions of gender and academic achievement: A case of sixth form girls in Zimbabwean schools. Journal of Social Sciences, 32 (1), 111 – 120

  • Zikhali, J & Maphosa, C. (2012). Towards gender equality at the workplace: how male lecturers view their female counterparts. Journal of Social Sciences, 31 (2), 219 – 227

  • Munikwa, J., Mutopa, S & Maphosa, C. (2012). Assessing traditional leaders as counsellors’ level of preparedness to offer counseling to parasuicide victims in rural Zimbabwe. Journal of Human Ecology, 39 (2), 195 – 204

  • Zikhali, J & Maphosa, C. (2012). Exploring College Students’ Attitudes towards Female Lecturers’ competence in Teacher Education Colleges in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe, The  Anthropologist, 14 (5), 393 -399

  • Chinamasa, E., Maphosa, C., Mavuru, L., Tarambawamwe, P. (2011). Examinations cheating: Exploring strategies and contributing factors in five universities in Zimbabwe, Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 1 (1), 86 – 101.

  • Maphosa, C. & Mammen, K.J. (2011). Disciplinary measures used in South African Schools: How do learners view their effectiveness? Journal of Social Sciences, 29 (2), 133 – 141

  • Munikwa, J., Mutopa, S. & Maphosa, C. (2012). The nature and causes of parasuicide cases handled by traditional leaders in Hurungwe district in Zimbabwe. Journal of Human Ecology, 37 (2), 93-102.

  • Maphosa, C. (2011). Learners’ perceptions of possible approaches to curb learner indiscipline in South African schools. The Anthropologist, 13 (4), 241 – 248

  • Maphosa, C. & Mammen, K.J (2011). Learners’ views on the effects of disciplinary measures used in South African schools. Journal of Social Sciences, 28 (3), 153 – 160

  • Maphosa. C. (2011).Discipline versus punishment. Which way for educators in South African Schools? International Journal of New Trends in Education, 2 (4), 76 – 87

  • Maphosa, C. & Mammen, K.J (2011). Maintaining discipline: Just how do teachers operate in South African schools? Journal of Social Sciences, 29 (3), 213 – 222

  • Mutekwe, E., Modiba, M & Maphosa, C. (2011). Factors affecting female students career choices and aspirations:  The Zimbabwean example. Journal of Social Sciences, 29 (2), 133 – 141

  • Maphosa, C. & Mammen K.J (2011). How chaotic and unmanageable classrooms have become: Insights into prevalent forms of learner indiscipline in South African schools. The Anthropologist, 13 (3), 185 – 193

  • Sibanda, J., Mutopa, S & Maphosa, C. (2011). Teachers’ perceptions of lesson observations by school heads in Zimbabwean primary schools. Journal of Social Sciences, 28 (1), 21 – 28