Professor Matseliso L Mokhele

Qualifications: D.Ed.

Position: Research Associate Professor

Phone number: 043 704 7202


Teaching areas of specialisation:  Research, curriculum development

Research Interests: Teacher Education, Teacher professional development, Educational Research


Publications (last five years):


             Jita LC and Mokhele ML  2014 When teacher clusters work: selected experiences of South African teachers with the cluster approach to teacher professional development  South African Journal of Education  34 (2) :1-10

             Mokhele ML 2014 Improving mathematics teachers’ instruction : a case of a lesson study : Canada International Conference on Education proceedings

             Mokhele ML  2013 Empowering teachers: an alternative model for professional development in South Africa, Journal of Social Sciences, 34(1):73-81

             Mokhele ML 2013 Developing and supporting teacher leaders: what successful principals do: Canada International Conference  on Education proceedings

             Makgopa M and Mokhele ML 2013. Teachers’ perceptions on parental involvement: a case study of two South African schools. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 3 (3) 219-225

             Jita LC and Mokhele ML 2013 Facilitating Communities of Research Practice: reflections on a faculty development programme for teacher educators in South Africa. Progressio 35 (2)

             Jita LC and Mokhele  ML 2013 The role of lead teachers in instructional leadership: A case study of environmental learning in South Africa, Education as Change, 17:sup1, S123-S135, DOI

             Dichaba MM and Mokhele ML 2012. Does cascade model work for teacher training? Teachers’ experiences .International Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(3):249-254

             Jita LC and Mokhele ML 2012. Institutionalising Teacher Clusters in Africa: Dilemmas and Contradictions. Perspectives in Education 30 (2):1-11

             Mokhele ML 2011. Integrated Environmental Teaching in South Africa: an impossible dream. Perspectives in Education 29 (4): 78-86