Prof Moyo

Professor George Moyo holds a B.A. (Hons) CNAA, UK; M.Sc  (University of London) and PhD in Education (Rhodes University). He also has a Certificate in Educational Planning and Administration from the International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris.  For over thirty years Prof Moyo has worked an Educator in various capacities as:  school teacher; teacher educator; educational policy planner and researcher.   Over these years he has distinguished himself as a leader and academic of note when during his career he was, among other highlights:


  •           Appointed by UNESCO to lead curriculum developers in developing, production and integration of Population Education into the school curriculum in Zimbabwe.
  •          A founder member of the Southern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Quality (SACMEQ), a UNESCO sponsored organisation covering 14 countries in sub-Sahara Africa, including South Africa. 
  •           Member of the UMALUSI National Research National Research Forum (2006 – 2010). This entailed meeting periodically to advise UMALUSI on matters relating to their research activities.


          In 2014 appointed by the Minster of Higher Education and Training to serve on the Lovedale Technical Vocational Education & Training College Council.


Prof Moyo has published numerous journal articles; co-edited a book on education and social transformation; successfully supervised 13 doctoral candidates; and 11 masters by research only. In addition, he has served as external examiner for higher degrees candidates for 7 universities nationally and internationally; as well as reviewer of journal articles for six journals.