Dr MP Mavuso

Prof Mzuyanda Percival Mavuso

Qualifications:  SPTD (Bensonvale college of Education), Dip in Practical Labour Law (NMMU), BA, BA Hons (History),  BEd (Hons), MEd, PhD (UFH).

Position: Dean of Education

Phone number: 040 6022089

Email: pmavuso@ufh.ac.za

Teaching areas of specialisation: History, Curriculum Studies and  Foundations of Education

Research Interests:  School  leadership management and governance and curriculum management


Publications (last five years):

1.       Malatji, K.S. Maphosa, C., Mavuso M.P (2016). School Management Teams’ Experiences of Their Participation in School Management in Primary Schools of Mankweng Circuit in Limpopo Province International  Journal of  Educational  Sciences , 13(3): 276-28

2.       Malatji, K.S. Maphosa, C., Mavuso M.P (2016). The views of School Management Teams on self-reflection practices: Towards fulfilling management functions International  Journal of  Educational  Sciences 14 (1,2), 55 - 68

3.       Rembe, S, Shumba, J. & Mavuso, M.P. (2016).  Teaching Practice Purpose and Implementation: A Concept Paper, International Journal of Education Sciences,13(3): 310-317.

4.        Mavuso M.P. (2016) Scratching the Outside? Perspectives of Subject Advisors on their Practices in Supporting Teaching and Learning in South African Schools, International Journal of Education Sciences, 12(3) 184-191.

5.       Mavuso, M.P. & Moyo, G. (2015). The Views of Education Development Officers on Their Educational Leadership Practices, International journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1),15-20

6.       Mavuso, M.P & Duku, N. (2014). Participation of Parents in School Governance: A Case Study of Two Eastern Cape Schools: A View from Below, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,5(3),454-460.

7.       Mushoriwa, T.D. & Mavuso, M.P. (2014). Student Teachers’ Views of the impact of School Experience Programme on their Perceptions of the Teaching Profession, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(8), 336-342.

8.       Mavuso, M.P & Duku, N. (2014).African Parents as Partners in School Governance in South Africa?, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,5(16),427-434.

9.       Mavuso, M.P. & Moyo, G. (2014).  Education District Office Coordination of Teaching and Learning Support Programmes in South Africa: Eastern Cape Perspective, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23), 1083-1089.